Haunted Attractions Here in Texas Hiring for the 2016 Halloween Season
Home » Blog » TexasHauntedHouses.com News and Updates, Texas Haunt News
August 23, 2016 By Chelsea T.

The success of a haunted attraction lies within its employees - from the scare actors who are out in the middle of the chaos, to the makeup artists and security that lurk behind the scenes, all roles are especially important.
If you're interested in becoming a member of a haunt family here in Texas, check out the haunts listed below that are currently hiring for the 2016 Halloween Season. Reach out today to find out how you can apply, or simply fill out the application that some have right on their website!
13th Floor Haunted House
1203 E. Commerce St., San Antonio, TX 78205
Dark Hour Haunted House
701 Taylor Dr., Plano, TX 75074
1407 Carpenter St., Bridgeport, TX 76426
Hangman's House of Horrors
4400 Blue Mound Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76106
Kingwood Asylum
1965 Northpark Dr., Kingwood, TX 77339
281-622-6186 | scglasgow@att.net
Screams Halloween Theme Park
2511 FM 66, Waxahachie, TX 75167
Is Your Haunt Hiring for 2016? Let Us Know!
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