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Abandoned Asylum - San Antonio TX Real Haunted Places

  • Farm Rd.
  • San Antonio, TX
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Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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This abandoned building is rumored to be haunted and there have been reports of moaning, screaming and doors opening and closing on their own. Please note: this building is owned by the county and there is no trespassing allowed. The police hang around the area, so it is best not to try and enter.
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    It was 2010. Me and my ex-wife met up with some friends and were just hanging out. My ex and I had just got news a few weeks prior that we were going to be parents and decided to celebrate with our friends. Me and the guys were drinking and got pretty inebriated to the point where we started feeling spooky. I had heard stories about this abandoned spot but never physically saw the place for myself. We got the bright idea to play “Mystery Inc.” and go investigating. Me and the gang pulled up to the front (which at the time wasn’t gated) and as soon as we started making our way past the abandoned security shack I noticed that my ex stopped walking. I went back to check on her and she was telling me that she was getting a bad feeling, like she felt extremely hot, like a burning hot. I’m guessing not to ruin mine and the guys’ fun she told us that she would wait outside with her friend. As soon as we got to the entrance of the main building, I felt what my ex was talking about, only it was the opposite. I was freezing. Mind you, it’s summertime and was close to 80 degrees this night but it felt like someone was running in AC in this place. We made our way through the front steps and the best way to put it was that the darkness controlled the hallways, only letting us see the rooms as we passed them. We couldn’t see the hands in front of our faces. So, we pulled out the lights to our phones seeing that these hallways had been visited by others as well. Beer bottles and graffiti were everywhere. At one point we broke into teams to get more coverage on the place, but that only lasted a few minutes before we vetoed the idea due to noises on the next floor. As we approached the next floor, which looked like it may have been a day room, I started to feel as I could not breathe. I wanted to turn around but couldn’t seem to inform anyone. I knew if I just turned around and booked it, I would get lost. The sensation eventually passed. We discovered a lot of thrashed out rooms, destroyed files, outdated fabrics, questionable secret rooms and the basement which held what looked like a punishment or confinement room. We finally decided that we had enough of the investigation. We took a good amount of pics so decided it was time to bail. Getting back in the car and heading home felt really weird. The whole ride nobody said anything and it felt hot. I had a working AC but it felt like we were riding with the windows down. The following week, everyone who came out with us had something strange happen to them. Me and my ex got into a car accident which we walked away from scratch free. The friend that stayed behind with my ex had to rush her little boy to the hospital because he had a big bite that was really infected. The doctors were unable to tell what got him. Amongst that, there were some break-ups, people getting kicked out of their houses, people losing stuff. We just took it as bad luck but part of me still believes we were followed home that night by an angry spirit. Also, every picture we took that night was either consumed with darkness or had some sort of blurry effect on it. I would go on to re-visit the hospital again 7 years later, only to discover that it has had the security beefed up there. Upon sneaking in and setting off an alarm, me and my friend got out of there as fast as we could. Til this day, the curiosity of this place and what happened there linger in my mind.

    Posted 2/9/22

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  • I am a empath

    I just thought id share this excitement .. back in 2008 Me and a couple girlfriends went to the abandon asylum here in texas i was a few weeks pregnant with my first child. I am just discovering my gifts but any who i was feeling things that werent right as son as i walked in the gates i felt so much people looking at me i felt so much emotion emotion running through my body. I felt so much sadness and fear going through my body i didnt understand why. so i continued on i felt so much negative energy its not even fun i felt a burning in my lower back i came back home with three scratch on my lower where i felt the burning. i read up on it today boom exactly everything i felt was on point..

    Posted 2/20/21

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  • I am a empath

    I just thought id share this excitement .. back in 2008 Me and a couple girlfriends went to the abandon asylum here in texas i was a few weeks pregnant with my first child. I am just discovering my gifts but any who i was feeling things that werent right as son as i walked in the gates i felt so much people looking at me i felt so much emotion emotion running through my body. I felt so much sadness and fear going through my body i didnt understand why. so i continued on i felt so much negative energy its not even fun i felt a burning in my lower back i came back home with three scratch on my lower where i felt the burning. i read up on it today boom exactly everything i felt was on point..

    Posted 2/20/21

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  • The most creeped out abandoned building I've ever encountered

    I'm not sure if anyone will even see this but here we go. Back in 2009 myself and a friend went into the buildings here in the middle of the night. We hiked the mile through the forest coming from the North because we heard that police scan the area often. So when we first got to the building we were on the side lines of the trees. This is where stuff started to get weird. We would hear weird whistle sounds around us that didn't sound like any kind of bird or animal. It took place for about 2mins. After that we decided to keep going as we came all this way. We go into the main building and start checking out the first floor. It was cool and creepy but nothing really much happened. Then we reached the 2nd floor. It right away felt off. Just weird vibes coming from it that we both were feeling so we skipped it and headed up to the third floor. The feeling went away and we checked out the third floor and the roof. We decided we had to check out the 2nd floor. So we get back to the 2nd floor and right away that off feeling comes back. We start to check out the left wing. Halfway down it we thought we heard a truck pulling up to the building so we turned our flashlights off and head into one of the rooms to peak out the window. Well there was nothing out there and when we were looking out the window we heard foot steps walk behind us in the hallway. We both reacted at the same time and immediately turned around and flipped the flash lights on pointing into the hallway. There was nothing, we went and looked down the hallway and still nothing. We proceeded to check every room out after just to make sure. Nothing. When we entered the right wing of the building we could hear dripping water coming from the far end of the hallways. We slowly proceeded down the hallway checking each room and when we were 3 rooms away from the last room we thought we saw a shadow walk infront of the door way from the inside of the last room. We really had to push ourselves to continue and we could still hear the dripping sounds of water. When we got to the last room and entered it. The dripping water sound stopped. There was nothing in the room but a hole in the wall and a metal broken pipe sticking out of it. When we walked up and felt the pipe and it was dry. We had enough at this point and left. Super creepy experience and still gives me shivers to this day.

    Posted 11/1/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 6,272
Last edit to this listing: 2/3/2016 (3320 days ago)

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