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North Texas State Hospital - Wichita Falls TX Haunted Place

  • 6515 Kemp Blvd.
  • Wichita Falls, TX
  • (940) 692-1220
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Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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There are two buildings at this hospital that are rumored to be haunted. The Administration Building dates back to the 1920s and was once used to house mentally unstable patients. In this building, lights are known to go on and off by themselves, and people have heard moans, wails and the rattling of chains. There have also been reports of shadowy figures. In the "M" Building, a nurse's apparition has been spotted and people have experienced cold spots and reported doors that open and close by themselves, footsteps heard in the halls and the feeling of a hand on your shoulder when no one is around.
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  • There’s more to it!

    I have now been working out there for almost 10 years. Let me tell you, it’s not just 1 or 2 buildings that are haunted. They all are. This place is now past 100 years old. Many souls have come through. Many still there. If you believe in spirits and energy, even if you don’t. These buildings have forgotten souls of their own . I have experienced more than I wish. However something about this place keeps me here. And I love it! Great place to work!

    Posted 3/24/25

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  • I would love to see the pics

    I have a pic of my own to show.

    Posted 1/1/24

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  • Demonic entity

    In 2013 I stayed there in the teen ladies unit I was 16. I was new a the young lady who had the room before me was rumoured to be a voodoo priestess . She apparently somehow practiced In the room . When she discharged they moved me into there. And within days I starting experiencing things. The first time in the wired window I saw a woman in black. From then I would refuse to sleep with my door shut and had to sleep with my Bible. I would be dragged off my bed and the entity was strong enough to try and rip my Bible out of my arms. After a week of being tormented I made them move me but they moved me across the hall and every time I’d go by the room I’d feel super uneasy and like I wasn’t safe.

    Posted 6/22/23

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  • Girl in white with long dark hair

    I was a patient in 96 at 14 years old...I was ordered by the court to stay there for running away from home and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder...back then that diagnosis was loosely given to most juveniles with problems at home...in reality I had suffered severe sexual abuse and trauma during my child hood and was having a difficulttime coping with it all, or eveb talking about it, so everyones instant go to was that I was steuggling with some sort of mental illness. Regardless of the reason, during my stay I had gotten up in the middle of the night needing to use the restroom. Leaving my "dorm" I went down the hall and asked the staff on shift if I could use the restroom. I was waved on so I proceeded down the hall to the girls restroom. At that time both boys and girls were kept in the same building on the same floor...only separated by the staffs station in the center that also housed the community pay phone that we could use to call family or friends. I entered the girls restroom and did what I needed to do, during which I felt a cold draft over my feet...seemingly entering from below the openong in the stall door. I exited the stall to see a woman in white with long dark hair standing to the right of me. I was in shock, she was obviously not one of the girls that was institutionalized with me and she was definately not a staff member, also, she did not seem to be all there if that makes since. I literally blinked and she was gone. I ran down the hall and a staff member asked what was wrong...not wanting to give them any more reason to keep me there any longer, I told them I was just trying to get back to my bunk. Since then I have actually captured SEVERAL images via camera through out the years...if you are interested I will gladly show you, in case anyone is skeptical. It's hard to believe someone who has been institutionalized...until they can provide proof.

    Posted 12/20/22

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  • Administration Buiding Figure/ Presence

    In 2006, while working for a delivery company, I went to see a customer on the 2nd floor. I noticed the building was unusually quiet and upon arrival found the offices empty, It was lunchbreak. I decided I would go back later, upon leaving I stopped inside the Men's restroom. While standing at the urinal I felt somebody and simultaneously I could see a figure and shadow standing in the doorway, which was already propped open. Thinking it was a janitor, I said, "Hello", and I got no reply...again I said, "almost finished", had no reply. Having finished I turned around and the shadow and figure was gone. I got a cold chill, hair raised on my arms and I quickly went to look down the hallways, nobody was walking there , I turned around and went back to look into the rest room, nobody in there. I stepped out the backdoor....got into my truck. I didnt tell anybody for a couple of years, thinking they would laugh. Inside I went from a skeptic to a believer when it came to ghosts.

    Posted 8/24/18

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  • Its so true

    It is true the nurse is seen a lot she walks up and down the hall on the 3rd floor

    Posted 5/11/16

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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