Texas State Penitentiary at Huntsville - Walls Unit - Real Huntsville Haunt

- 815 12th St.
- Huntsville, TX
- (936) 437-1555
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- (3 reviews)
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- Oakwood Cemetery0.3 miles away
- Martha Chapel Cemetery - Demon's Road7.4 miles away
- Huntsman Chemcial Plant29.7 miles away
- Wunsche Brothers Cafe and Saloon45.1 miles away
- Hawks Street Haunting48.8 miles away
- Spaghetti Warehouse52.4 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesI was a correctional officer for this unit
This is a very active unit. This is not the place to come to try to get a tour or investigation because this unit is very active to this day. Walls state pen is located in the heart of the Huntsville area next to Sam Houston State University. This unit is not death row but where executions take place. My Experiences. My shift was the night shift for two years, when you first walk into the unit past the small entrance area you are greeted with large brass bars that called the Bull Pin or cage that is used to divert foot traffic, the first building on the left connected to this area is the oldest untouched area of the whole unit and cannot be accessed due to its deuterating state ect. But looking through the small glass window on the door you will see many levels of an old prison that the old white paint is pealing from the walls and bars and is SUUUUPER creepy. About 50 years ago Texas largest and longest riot happened on this unit which lead to many deaths of offenders and staff as well as assults. Most happened in this abandoned wing of the unit. I personally have seen fully body apparitions of offenders and staff still patrolling the cat walk to this day. When you walk outside to the main area you are surrounded by many smaller buildings inside, some are old some are kinda old. But it looks like a small city within the walls. The rec yard it was almost a daily occurrence of hearing talking when no one was there and not coming from my radio, and I have seen full body apparitions as well. The ODR, the ODR is a smaller building that is used to feed staff working on the unit. I have also seen full body apparitions as well as talking with no explanations as well. The kitchen area I have had knives that are mounted to the prep tables fly off before offenders turned out to make breakfast around 1am in the morning. The execution chambers This is a very controlled area due to the nature of this area in the unit. Which means you never have all the keys for all the doors at once because it is a security issue. So with that being said I have been in this area by myself around 3am in the morning and have herd angry yelling, things slamming with no explanation nor source. There is a large window that points to the execution chamber with a curtain and times the curtain will open on its own which takes multiple keys to get to and I have herd crying and seen faces in the reflection in the glass. The shower area I have been through the shower area after showering a wing and every offender has been escorted out back to their cells. I did my security sweeps looking for contraband and shanks. I have had whispers in my ear, tapping on my shoulder, things banging, sound of foot steps with once again no explanations or source. This is by far ghost wise the scariest unit the state of Texas has to offer. Offender wise most of the offenders here are getting ready to be released after serving majority of their sentence in a different unit. ALSO if you feel inclined to come to the unit and walk around, please be respectful and DO NOT WHERE WHITE PERIOD! This is a major security risk which can result in officers stopping you and questioning you. Its best to observe from a parking lot area but since this is an active unit I do not advise coming here looking for ghosts
Posted 6/13/24Texas State Penitentiary at Huntsville
I was Incarcerated in the Huntsville Walls unit in 2018, the prison has an eerie feeling as soon as you enter. I was in a cell level to the recreation yard, the first night I spent there I heard someone walking but there was nobody there, in the middle of the night I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I looked up and I expected to see a guard telling me it was time for chow or something but there was no one there. I was on edge from there and didn't sleep during the night.
Posted 9/4/231 out of 1 found this review helpful
Walls unit is NOT abandoned. I did more than a year there.
The prison that has been abandoned since the 1950s is the old Eastham prison, which sits near the present Eastham penitentiary, known as the "House of Pain". Old Eastham was where Clyde Barrow was incarcerated, & was where his gang shot their way in to rescue Clyde. Huntsville prison is very active, home to about 1500 assigned residents, & is the location of the television & radio shop for the entire system, along with the machine shop & bus & vehicle maintenance & the execution chamber. The reason I would not recommend this haunt is because to visit you must either be incarcerated there or work there, plus a few exceptions.
Posted 11/13/222 out of 2 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 2/3/2016 (3339 days ago)