
Jackson Square Apartments - Amarillo TX Real Haunts

  • 1611 S Jackson St.
  • Amarillo, TX
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Many murders have been carried out within the haunted walls of the Jackson Square Apartments in Amarillo, and eventually the gruesome trend forced the building to close and evict all residents. Several apparitions have been reported in the building, including the vision of a man hanging from a noose on one of the upper floors. Ghosts believed to be of the former residents who were killed during a shooting spree in the building are often seen. Visitors to the second floor are greeted with red lights and bloodstains, and a menacing apparition believed to be the culprit in a grisly stabbing murder that happened on the floor. Other visitors have reported seeing a pregnant woman plummet from an upper floor, but all say she disappears before she hits the ground. Illegal trespassers have been prosecuted by the building's owner.
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  • I Lived Across The Hall From Louise & Fred During The Mid 80s

    I lived in my apartment on the first floor, across from Louise & Fred. They were lovely people and helped everyone. They were disciplined, but, kind. The place was run over by roaches, but, they extermined in every unit faithfully every week or month - I forget which. I only remember the awful smell of the insecticide. The building was used to house new immigrants who were brought to the US through Catholic Charity Services. My watch was stolen by someone when I was visiting my neighbor next door. Also, someone twice tried breaking into my apartment while I was home, with company, no less, after Fred, who was elderly, replaced my window a/c unit. I guess some saw him replace it and figured that they could easily remove it, because it was light enough for an elderly man to install. I was always left with a sense of being watched after that and I left shortly thereafter and never went back. Glad I did.

    Posted 10/29/23

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  • I lived there in the early-mid 80s.

    Tommy and Johnnie were amazing people. And Louise and Fred... lovely! But it was haunted. Lots of terrible experiences. The basement was the most active of all places. But I think it was because they stored old abandoned items there. And possibly things from those who were murdered. Things would move around on their own. And while I joke it was because of all the roaches, it was really because of spirits. Devil worshippers loved to hold their gatherings there. We had a "friend" who had returned after the barracks bombing in Lebannon, He had horrible phantom pains from his missing legs. And he managed to throw himself off the top floor, hitting the stairs and breaking his neck. We lived in the apartment on the ground floor next to the stairs and found him. It was horrible. My oldest was born while we lived there. And she has memories of things that I know she was never told about.

    Posted 3/23/22

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  • I lived in the Jackson Square Apartments for a couple of years

    The owners, Johnnie & Tommy Ford, were amazing folks. The population in the apartment building skewed heavily European immigrant. Particularly Polish. And while the place was dingy and dark, there were few times when I got an unexplained chill, but I’m still standing. Amarillo has a dark history with hauntings and violence. The two definitely go hand in hand.

    Posted 12/18/17

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Last edit to this listing: 12/29/2015 (3375 days ago)

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