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Old Southwestern General Hospital - Real Haunt in El Paso TX

  • 1221 N. Cotton St.
  • El Paso, TX
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This hospital is rumored to be haunted by a ghostly nurse who likes to change the bedsheets and wander the halls of the empty fourth floor. Since 1936 there has been strange activity reported here. A psychic once claimed to sense a woman's spirit and a man who died in an elevator.
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  • Encounter

    Around 2009-2010. Not sure of the timeline because I was around 9 or 10. Me and my mom were going to visit my grandma after she had gotten a knee surgery. After getting breakfast that morning, we put the address into the GPS and it sent us here (Spoiler alert: we were in the wrong hospital). At the time we did not know but this hospital had just shut down in 2008. The parking lot was full. We walked in the hospital and there was a center table in the middle of room where there was a nurse with a nurses outfit from the 60s, writing on a card, she also had a gift bag next to her. I don't know why we didn't leave at that point but we continued walking down the hall. The rooms were completely empty, there was one room i remember that had kids toys just laying like they had been there forever. At the end of the hall there was a janitor that was sweeping or mopping, my mom asked him where they have the rooms for patients, he said third floor. We get in the elevator and it seemed like that elevator hadn't been updated in years, it sounded like one of those chain elevators. We get to the third floor and the hallway is dim. Some of the lights were flickering and there were hospital beds just thrown around in the hallway. I can tell my mom was scared but she still thought maybe it's in the basement since that's where they have surgerys. We get back in the elevator and go to the basement. The doors open and its DARK, there is this one tiny light but you couldn't see much. It looked straight out of the movie from saw, there was smoke and you can hear machinery, all of a sudden you hear what sounds like a chainsaw. My mom started yelling and pressing all the buttons on the elevator and they wouldn't close! eventually they did close but then open again, we could not move from there until they finally closed completely. The elevator was a double sided elevator, at that moment the other doors opened and we were back at the main lobby area. The elevator never moved because I remember it would make a nasty old noise. We ran out of there so fast, the nurse and the janitor were not there anymore. We never looked back. We put the address in again and it took us to the correct hospital. I just found out recently there would be sightings of an old nurse and and old maintenance worker that passed away in the elevator.Its now a long term care hospital, i'm not sure when it reopened. They say its still haunted now but I have never gone back again.

    Posted 7/26/24

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  • Encounter

    Worked there from 1993-1994 had multiple experiences elevator doors opened on own, pushed the 1st floor in elevator took me down to basement, call lights going on with no patients on floor.

    Posted 9/28/23

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  • Worked in Lab 1995 - 1998

    Worked graveyard shift in the laboratory from 1995 to 1998. Never witnessed a spirit. However, the top floor and roof were not readily accessible. Was told two suicides (jumper and poison) walked the halls. Also, an elevator malfunction victim also walked the halls at night.

    Posted 10/2/21

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Last edit to this listing: 2/3/2016 (3317 days ago)

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