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Von Minden Hotel - Real Schulenburg Haunt

  • 607 Lyons Ave.
  • Schulenburg, TX
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel building dates back to 1927 and is believed to be haunted by at least two ghosts. Most believe it is because there were two deaths that occurred here. A long time ago in Room #23, a railroad worker died in his sleep from an illness, and in Room #37, a World War II Veteran found out his girlfriend has married someone else while he was away at war, so he jumped to his death. There is also a ghost called Ms. X that has been spotted, wearing a polka-dot dress and asking people for directions.
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  • My experience.

    So there was an opening that I entered from with my friend and we explored the place. We went through all the floor pretty quickly but had to leave when my friend had to use the restroom. I wasn't scared but when we went inside a second time, a random chest was in the middle of the hallway on the fourth floor. I opened it but nothing was inside and it stank. We went back to the first floor where the theater is and we were checking out the antique stuff like old records. My friend had told me that she had heard a woman speak but she doesn't know what she said. After that, we had made our way out of the building. We didn't know the history until now, and I had no clue that it could've been haunted.

    Posted 7/13/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,202
Last edit to this listing: 3/7/2016 (3286 days ago)

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