
Yorktown Memorial Hospital - Real Haunt in Yorktown TX

  • 728 W. Main St.
  • Yorktown, TX
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Yes - Open To Public
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This hospital dates back to the 1940s and closed its doors in 1988, leaving the ghosts of deceased patients to linger the place. People have said they have been slapped, kicked, punched or scratched by something unseen, and shadowy figures have been spotted in the halls. One of the spirits is believed to be a man named T.J., who died here of a heroin overdose. The location has been featured on TV's Ghost Adventures.
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  • Bit!

    I went with some friends. In the boiler room was so creepy we heard so many things it was creepy! And we weren't recording at all. We all heard this loud bang while in the chapel then like two minutes later I got bit. We at least saw several apprehensions. And after that night I have never been so freaked out! When ever you go to this place I recommend a friend.

    Posted 10/24/20

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  • Creepy Place

    I did a solo investigation. Had a great spook time lol. You can check out the video on my channel, the owners are cool. If you subscribe thanks!

    Posted 10/15/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Legit

    Several EVP, photos, video, and have been personally manipulated (intense sadness brought to tears for no reason) along with many other experiences. Definitely a must see for yourself. Super creepy.

    Posted 1/26/19

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • This is one scary place!

    The owner of this hospital will allow you to venture in this place, but you need to ask him before you go. We went with some friends and we saw shadowy figures, a doll in the nursery began to say,"I love you." One of the doors in the basement slammed itself shut several times. It was crazy! If you don't believe me, go see for yourself.

    Posted 9/20/16

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    11 out of 11 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 10,197
Clicks to Website: 119
Last edit to this listing: 7/14/2017 (2811 days ago)

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