Hotels in Texas That are Really Haunted

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This location is believed to be haunted and witnesses have reported hearing sounds of people upstairs when no one is up there, and feeling something unseen touching their arms and face. Apparitions have also been seen sitting in chairs or standing at the windows. The historic hotel also houses a portrait of a young girl holding flowers on the third floor. People say that when they look... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Two separate ghostly legends are told of Baker Hotel; the first is of a man who was killed after being trapped in a closing elevator door. The second is of a woman who committed suicide in the hotel after being spurned by a lover. The two spirits, and possible others, have appeared to visitors as growing orbs. Disembodied voices have been heard in the hotel, and phantom aromas have been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Colleges
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This location operates as a wedding venue and is rumored to have a variety of ghostly activity. There have been reports of eerie music, cold spots, full-body apparitions, dolls moving location and doors that open and close by themselves. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Miss Molly's Hotel has an illustrious past. At one time a speak easy, the bed and breakfast is located above a cafe in the historic shipyard district of Forth Worth, where many of the buildings are believed to be haunted. But many agree Miss Molly's is the most haunted of them all. There are 9 rooms, and visitors and the owners have reported ghostly encounters in each room. One visitor... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Some say that superstition plays a role at this hotel, which is the largest building in Laredo, and the only one to have a 13th floor. Other buildings have renumbered their floors to avoid having a 13th, for superstitious reasons. The ghost that resides here is said to be a helpful one, who has been seen cleaning the floors, while wearing his brown work uniform. There have also been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Located on East Houston Street in San Antonio, The Emily Morgan Hotel was built in 1924 as the Medical Arts Building. The building was home to a variety of doctor's offices and a 5-bed hospital. In 1976, the building was converted to an office space. It wasn't until 1984 that it was remodeled and renamed to The Emily Morgan Hotel. The location has been noticed by the National... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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This building now operates as a retirement and assisted-living community but was once the Crazy Water Hotel. It was built in the 1920s over the site of a well, and legend says that the hotel's name comes from the story of a mentally unstable woman who went there every day to drink the water until she was cured. There have been reports of a little girl's apparition in the basement of the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel building dates back to 1927 and is believed to be haunted by at least two ghosts. Most believe it is because there were two deaths that occurred here. A long time ago in Room #23, a railroad worker died in his sleep from an illness, and in Room #37, a World War II Veteran found out his girlfriend has married someone else while he was away at war, so he jumped to his death.... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Only large bloodstains offer any evidence that a heinous crime was committed within the Camberley Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, but many visitors have reported seeing the vision of a former maid. Legend holds that the maid was murdered in the 1960s, after she unexpectedly came across a murderer lurking in a room of the hotel. He killed the woman and escaped out a window. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel has had several reports of paranormal activity, according to the Texas Hauntings Society. Most of the activity occurred in Room 101, where unseen hands were felt grabbing at people underneath the sheets, and an eerie apparition of an infant was seen and heard. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel dates back to the 1920s and was built by Alfred Gage, who passed away less than a year after it was completed. The hotel is rumored to be haunted by the spirit of Gage himself. Witnesses have spotted apparitions on the front porch, in the patio gardens and in the halls. Room #10 is said to be one of the most active spots in the hotel, where a woman's voice has been heard... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel was constructed in the 1880s and is believed to be quite haunted. One of the ghosts that lingers here is called Elizabeth and she has been spotted wearing a long dress and often carries a parasol. Reports say she is mostly seen on Mondays at about 3:00 AM on the stairs. Stories say she fell down the stairs and died. A young girl's spirit has also been seen looking through the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic hotel, a local attraction during the roaring 1920s, now features its fair share of paranormal activity. Quite a few ghosts are known to haunt the halls of this old hotel, including those of Joshua and Anna, a husband and wife who are said to have died at the hotel, being struck by the same bullet. The legend holds that Joshua discovered Anna was having an affair with a man... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel dates back to 1918 and is believed to be haunted by a ghostly elderly woman who has been spotted in the basement. There is one or two more female apparitions that have been seen wearing black veils. Police were once called to check on a strange woman wandering around one of the building's towers, and they found themselves trapped inside. The phones here have reportedly... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel is said to be the oldest on the island and is believed to have a haunted room (Room #505). People have reported that there is an eerie presence inside the room along with a mysterious scent of gardenias. Reports say that very few stay in this room, due to its eerie stories. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This inn dates back to 1906 and was originally called Point Isabel Tarpon & Fishing Club. It has been visited by President-Elect Warren G. Harding in 1920 and is rumored to be haunted. The inn receives a remodel after damage from a hurricane in 1933 and 1967, but the inn remains the area's oldest hotel and business. Strange reports here include disembodied footsteps that have been heard... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Mulberry Manor no longer operates as a bed and breakfast inn and may be up for sale as of 2016. The location was once a hospital during the Civil War and a mental institution in the early 1900s. People say they have spotted the apparition of a Civil War general as a reflection all throughout the home, and the shoes of a nurse have been heard walking down the concrete stairways. This is... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel dates back to 1886 and is said to be haunted. A guest has reported that at 3 AM, their bathroom glowed pink. Voices have also been heard above them and in the shower, and cold spots have also been felt everywhere. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Local legend says a man jumped to his death from the hotel's roof and landed on the west side of the building. People have reported unexplained sounds coming from the rooms and that the area of the roof is haunted. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel building is said to be one of the tallest in Laredo and dates back to 1900. An additional 9 floors were added in 1923 and people have reported that they have heard the ghostly sounds of children playing and running throughout the building. There have also been reports of furniture moving on its own, elevators that operate by themselves and lights that go on and off on their... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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According to local stories, the spirits that live in this inn are said to be that of Erastus and Sarah Reed, who purchased the land where the inn stands back in 1859. At this time, the property was called The Old Reed House and was a stagecoach shop. Reports say the ghosts like to hang out in the lobby, the Marcella, and the Victoria Room. It has been said that a sign has flown off the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Both employees and visitors have reported spotting apparitions at this inn. Reports say there are ghostly children that reside here and a woman from the Victoria-era that likes to hang out on the third floor. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Considered by many locals and paranormal enthusiasts to be the most haunted site in San Antonio, the Menger Hotel is said to even be frequented by the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt. The former Bull-Moose president would recruit men to join his Rough Riders calvery. Lesser known ghosts are also said to haunt the site. One is the ghost of a young maid who once worked at the hotel and was... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This home, now a bed and breakfast, was built in 1895 by Mr. Tarlton, who is believed to still linger the location in spirit. Stories say he hanged himself on the third floor after his second wife passed away. People have reported hearing footsteps and feeling cool gusts of wind on their faces. In each room, there are journals for guests who have any eerie experiences during their stay. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The historic Crockett Hotel is right across from The Alamo (another haunted destination of San Antonio) and was once the site of some of the bloodiest battles in Texas. One of these battles was the infamous Battle of the Alamo in 1836. Many believe that the ghosts that haunt the hotel are those who fought in this battle and their souls have remained on the grounds. Some haunting... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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This hotel used to operate as a convent and it is now known for its eerie spirits that are said to haunt the place, including those of some nuns. It has been said that a ghost here will assume the form of a living employee to trick people, except it cannot speak. Cold spots and the sound of someone calling out names has been reported here as well, along with the moving and dropping of... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel dates back to 1925 and is said to have a lot of eerie occurrences. Witnesses have reported feeling cold spots on the 10th floor, along with the sounds of footsteps and crying and strange shadows. Stories say in the 1940s, a woman either fell or jumped to her death from the presidential suite. A congressman may have committed suicide here as well. These occurrences are said to... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel dates back to 1912 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is well known for its beautiful grand staircase and is believed to be haunted by a ghostly woman. She is said to walk throughout the halls wearing a white gown and a melancholy expression. She is often spotted in the basement of the hotel and is said to be an unhappy spirit. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging